No matter what type of trip I’m going on this is what I always pack in my carry on.

  • Bag- I take a large bag so it can fit all the essentials I need. A bag with lots of pockets is always better so you know where everything is.

Don’t forget!

  • Passport- so this one seems like a no brainer but trust me there are plenty of people out there who have definitely forgotten before!
  • Travel document wallet- I have a nice a5 sized documents wallet, that holds all my tickets and confirmations of everything important.
  • Cash/travellers card- always pack both! You never know if someone will only accept cash and you don’t have. Avoid paying atm fees as well by bringing cash from your home country. Keep both close to you on the flight, then once you have your checked bag you can put some cash away in that bag.
  • Medication- Okay, now you might think I’m a bit crazy and over the top about this. I always take so much medication with me when I travel. I just always get sick or have something like that go wrong. In Europe, I managed to get an allergic reaction to something and broke out in hives! So now I always take cortisone cream, gastro stop, laxatives, my medication, hydrolight, antihistamine tablets, antibiotics (can get three tablets from a travel doctor) and the normal panadol. I put a timer on my phone to know when to take my normal medication


  • Empty water bottle- Fill it up after security. You dehydrate very quickly on planes so it’s better to have a bottle than to keep calling the air hostess over every time your cup is empty
  • Brush- I carry a brush with me everywhere normally so of course I will take one. I always change between tying my hair up and having it down and it gets so knotty which is why I need my brush.
  • Face wipes- to refresh and hydrate your face
  • Lip balm- to hydrate your lips


  • Neck pillow- I have a pillow that goes from a neck pillow to a normal pillow which I use when I don’t like the hotels’ pillow.
  • Pillowcase- you just never know if those pillows have been washed or not (it’s more than likely they have not been washed) so I have a clean case I put over the top.
  • Large Scarve- I love to wear one of my big scarves that can act as a blanket, which saves me from touching those blankets that do not get washed, and it keeps you warm on flights that are always cold.


  • Snacks- Yes I know most flights serve food, but man am I a picky eater. It might end up that I don’t like the choices or my choice is all gone. No matter what the reason is if you have snacks you won’t go hungry. Some protein or energy bars are nice, I also take some lollies to suck on during take-off and landing.


  • Phone/charger- obviously I’m going to take these, who wouldn’t.
  • Camera/charger- so I can film my favourite parts of my travels to make amazing videos to watch back
  • Portable charger/charger- batteries have to be taken in your carry on luggage. I also usually charge it up if I haven’t already.
  • Laptop/charger- so I can keep writing my blog and keep everyone updated with my travels
  • Adapter- for what country or countries you’re going to
  • Earphones/headphones- to watch the inflight entertainment
  • travel diary and stationery- I don’t think I could live if I didn’t have my travel diary with me, it has my itinerary and travel times, hotel/hostel addresses.
  • Book- okay so depending on how long the flight is and/or how many flights I have I will take a book with if I need to get off my technology
  • Playing cards/small games- I usually have a pack of playing cards and uno to keep me and my friends entertained during the flight

So that’s what I recommend packing. If you have anything else you take please let me know by commenting below.