So it’s been a while I know, so here is the crazy update of what I have been up to.

Just a few days after my last update we had to put down my poor doggie. She had been acting weird for a couple of days leading up to it. On that Saturday morning when I woke up she was struggling to breathe and refused to get out of my bed. I brought her upstairs to sit with my mum and me while we worked on doing some bathroom renovations. She was getting worse, by lunchtime, her tongue was starting to go blue because she wasn’t getting enough oxygen. We took her to the vet and they told us she was in stage 6 of congestive heart failure. We made the tough decision to put her down. This was so hard to watch but we all knew we had to be there for her in the last moments of her life. She was a stubborn old girl, she refused to lay down. She looked up at us individually to say goodbye while we were all crying so much. We buried her in our roses in our backyard. I still miss her so much and I would do anything to give her cuddles and kisses again. Please enjoy these photos of Jellybean.

Jellybean enjoying her favourite place
One of the last photos I have

Two days later and I got the devastating email from my camp that they will not be running a summer camp in 2020. I was very sad, but CCUSA was able to move my fees for camp in 2021. So I hope that will happen. My camp is still posting lots of videos online so it warms my heart to still be a little involved. Tomorrow is even my camp spirit day, so stay tuned for an Instagram picture.

When things started opening back up I was so happy to be able to see my friends and get to do a little travel around my home town to help cheer me up. Places opened in stages. Stage three of reopening allowed Victorians to travel within Victoria. My friends and I booked an Air BnB in rosebud, that had a spa. It was the perfect way to spend time with my friends in winter. We made pizzas on the first night but the second night we were all way too drunk so we walked to KFC to have that for dinner. We spent most our time in the spa and talking so much, we also walked along the beach on a cold winters day.

Rosebud Beach during winter

4 days later and Dan Andrews the Victorian premier informed us that if you live within metropolitan Melbourne your were going back into stage 3 lockdown for a minimum of 6 weeks. My coaching job which had only been opened for two weeks had to close again, and the KFC I work out decided to close as last time around we were losing money staying open. So here I am two weeks into lockdown again. I am taking the time to work on myself and moving forward in life. Looking to move out with my sister and a friend, and hopefully still be able to travel the world and Australia.

I do have a surprise though, If you haven’t seen my Instagram posts already, I BOUGHT A VAN!! I bought a 2000 Toyota Hiace Commuter which I plan to turn into a beautiful campervan #vanlife. I have already purchased most of my electrical stuff, insulation and some other extras. My campervan will run off two 12volt deep cycle batteries and solar panels to recharge them. Stay tuned for some campervan/vanlife blogs in the future.

For now, that is where I am at in life. I’m hoping when we are allowed again to travel some of Australia, and hopefully make it to America in 2021 to be a camp counsellor.